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This is something I did want to touch on and that's requests for me to read other's work. I do not have a problem checking out someone's story if they ask. But I will warn everyone, if I read the first chapter and not digging it, chances are I'm not going to read further.

When it comes to stories I have particular tastes. I prefer humor and romance with a little bit of drama thrown in. Ultimately a nice romance between two characters who have unbelievable chemistry. I like to invest in the characters.

Just like my readers, I'm not going to read every single thing someone puts out unless I really like the writing style. It's not being harsh just factual. Trust me, I don't like being harsh with people. Never bodes well.

I will also give feedback on a story which tends to be encouraging. I won't rip apart someone's writing. I can but I won't. It does nothing but discourage someone who may have potential. Personally I don't ask for it. My feedback is from people voting, commenting and adding stories along with asking for updates. Eh, it works for me.

The truth is, we all want to write a story people will fall in love with or at least like. I'm just hoping they like it.

As for reading requests, I will consider them but my answer is usually the same with people, when I get a chance, I will sit down and read. I never know when I'm going to read only because of my schedule but I do read.

I know everyone wants people to read their stories. Trust me I do. We want to know if it's any good or if people like it. But the thing that will turn off a reader faster than anything is if you bombard them with requests. Especially a writer-reader.

Writer-readers are writers who will read to improve their craft but will also critique stories. We look at details most readers don't look for. Trust me there is a difference.

When you go to a writer and ask them to read your story, their going to look at things a lot deeper, like character development, plots, details, flow and errors. Trust me I do it to myself when I'm editing. It's not pretty. Especially since I have to read every single line.

That's one of the reasons I will not correct anyone's mistakes. I may mention it but I don't focus on it. It's distracting especially if you're currently working on a story while another is finished.

As for requests, yes I will take them and yes I will ask which story if there is more than one, through a personal message. If the request shows up in a comment on one of my stories or my wall, it gets promptly deleted. As for stories that get sent to me, please do not send me someone's story that isn't your own. Either they can ask me themselves or not.

Other than that, yes I will read a story and provide feedback, when I get a moment.

Now, flex those fingers and get to writing. You got readers waiting.

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