A story behind a story

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Okay boys and girls, it's story time.  One that I think you will all quite enjoy.

Once upon a time there was a little girl and she had these amazing parents who were supportive and loving. They always encourage the little girl that whatever she wanted to do she could do it. She just had to put her mind to it.  They filled her mind with wonder by reading her stories even though the father was terrible at it.

They played games with her and helped her with her homework all the while encouraging her to dream.  Since dreams give us hope they felt it was important.

One day they realize this little girl struggled but kept working hard at anything she did. They also realized she had an undeniable gift just like her grandmother.  The offered encouragement to the little girl and she became happier because of it to cultivate this gift.

In the process, the little girl hid a secret from most people. Her father was really sick and had been so for most of her life. She knew his limitations but never let it bother her none. She still looked to him for guidance. She also was dealt another hardship when her mother took ill and helping to take care of her.  The gift they saw had taken a backseat while dealing with family matters. To her family was more important.

Over the years the little girl grew up and dabbled with her gift here and there with encouragement from her parents. The mother recovered but the father didn't having passed away from his illness.  Deciding to forgo her gift the girl who was now grown carried on with life, while dabbling with her gift here and there.

Through the years, life took priority as the woman was hit with one thing after another wondering if there was more to life than what she saw.  Having to deal with one obstacle after another, the woman's husband kept mentioning to her about her gift. She kept pushing it aside figuring it was a lost cause until he challenged her to pursue it.

Taking the next step she accepted his challenge and went back to the gift she had from a young age that her parents had saw in her.  From there she realized how important having a dream was and how much happier she became because of it.

Sometimes we have to realize our dreams are bigger than we realize and sometimes it takes the right encouragement to achieve them.  No matter what anyone says or how negative they try to be, no one can dash a dream except for us.

That little girl was me and my gift was writing which turned into a dream encouraged by my parents along with my husband and daughter.  My father was diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease before I was born and was sick most of my life. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was a teen and survived.  They fought so I could see that no matter what nothing is unattainable.

Sometimes we just need a little bit of talent, a lot of encouragement and nothing is impossible. I'm living proof of it.

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