The Gray and Harper brothers

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While the Gray brothers were loosely based on my dad and his brothers, the Harper brothers were loosely based on my mom's brothers.

My mom and dad both had five brothers and both came from big families. My dad was the oldest of eight kids. My mom was somewhere in the middle of ten kids. One child died when it was infant. But she had eight living siblings.

She had lost two brothers and a sister prior to her passing. She passed a few years ago.

In less than a year, we lost three of her brothers with the last brother passing two days ago. Romeo was based on this brother. He was one of my favorite uncles because of his personality. He was one of the most lovable guys and still had his sense of humor up until he passed away.

Like how you grieve for the characters when they pass, I grieve in real life when those people pass away. Hence why some chapters are harder to read than most. My grief is pouring into those chapters. It's the only way I work through it.

So if people think writing is only a hobby for me, they're sadly mistaken. It's therapy for me and always been.

I don't write to write or call it a passion. I write no matter what. I write when I'm sick, grieving, dealing with other issues, and anytime I can. Writing is not something to pass the time. It's a gift that I inherited from my grandmother. My folks saw it when I would write a paper for school. My mom saw it even more when she had me write short stories for her.

My mom was write about one thing. She said to write from personal experience. I didn't understand what she meant until I pulled from my personal life. Not only did it give depth to the characters and stories, but it made the stories more relatable.

That's why I will always adore the Gray and Harper families. It gives me a chance to immortalize my family so they can live on for future generations.

Now, back to writing.

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