Wattpad versions

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Any book you read on here will be rough drafts. I've given this much thought. Here are a few reasons.

1. This reason is a biggie. I need proof when I find a story stolen. That means I can't alter stories after I  published them. If there are errors, there are errors. I know people will say that I need to fix the mistakes before publishing. See number 2.

2. To keep up with my writing schedule and get our new updates to everyone, I write when I have a chance. That means writing a chapter in a few hours. Not a day, week, or month. I write a chapter in about two hours. When I write, I write. One day, I wrote 17 chapters. That was in the Gray series.

3. I edit once I complete a book, and editing takes time. I spend countless hours reading through a book and rereading it. I also do rewrites on parts. Those versions will be available in Kindle, Paperback, and Hardcover. 

4. Free versions. Wattpad is the only site with free versions of my books. I kept them free because I have many teen readers. With free versions, there will probably be errors. Yes, I try to catch them, but sometimes I miss them. Hey, it's free.

5. Stop with the asterisks and grammar police. It's not helpful but annoying. Plus, it doesn't help when someone tries to correct a writer, and they have grammatical errors. I'm aware there are errors. (Again, you're reading a free story.)

6. If I'm not writing, I'm editing and publishing paperbacks. Well, that's when I'm not busy with my family and job. Even on my vacation, I've been writing. Shocker, right?

7. Final point. The books are FREE  on here. Yes, I know that I have repeated myself about the word free—no need to tell me.

If you can't tell, I'm a humor writer, which includes sarcasm. Plus, I spent my birthday visiting an old insane asylum, if that means anything. Yeah, I thought it was fitting since my family is crazy.

Enjoy the free books, lol.

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