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You're thinking oh, lord what is she writing now? It's not what you think but helpful tips not earn a spot in my stories as a character I deem appropriate to a personality. Yes, it can result in a villain.

Here are a few guidelines regarding the stories:

1. Don't complain if you don't like a story. If you don't like it, I have plenty more you can choose from on here.

2. Yes, I use inappropriate humor. If it offends you, then I don't know what to tell you. I write what I find hilarious and most come from my husband and friends.

3. Stop correcting errors such as grammar and spelling. Yes, I'm aware there are errors. You never edit until the story is completed. Correcting a final version of a story makes you look ignorant because it's edited.

4. Don't ask questions located in my bio. It states that I'm married with kids and my location. I hate repeating myself.

5. Don't advertise your story in my comments or on my wall. It's rude to the writer that spent hours writing and horning their craft.

6. If you ask me to check out your story be polite. Don't come at me to check it out since I have limited time. The more aggressive that you are the less receptive that I am.

7. It takes nothing to be kind. Writing is a personal thing with people. When you criticize their work, it's not helpful and makes you look petty.

8. There is no such thing as constructive criticism. Criticism isn't helpful, it's destructive and an oxymoron. Feedback is one thing, but attacking another writer makes you bad on so many level. See point 7.

9. I research majority of stories on topics and spoke to many people about said topics. I try to stay as accurate as possible with a topic, but remember it is a work of fiction. I'm always reading and looking up information. Yeah, I'm weird.

10. I write to entertain people because I love it. I spend hours creating characters and bringing them to life. Will a story be a bestseller? Probably not and that's fine with me, considering I would rather write then worry about that.

11. I respond to comments when I see them or anyone that posts on my wall. I also thank my followers for following me. It's called manners and respect. It's how my parents raised me. I expect the same in return. If I don't accept rude behavior from my kid, I don't expect it from other people.

12. Be nice, kind, and respectful. You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. Everyone has a battle that their fighting. Be kind always.

13. Final point which is vital. I welcome everyone to read my stories. I don't care what you look like, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, age, or if you have purple hair. I look at people's behavior. I met many people on here who are amazing. That speaks volumes to me. I would rather people read and laugh than not. If I can provide that, then I did my job.

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