What not to do

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This book contains a list of all of my stories besides the ones I haven't included yet. I'll get there. It also has writing tips because I didn't want to publish another book for them. Yeah, it's too much work, and I already have enough work.

Now, if you stumbled across my page, congrats. You found many completed books and don't have to wait for updates. Suppose you follow me, even better because you know when I release a new book or five new books. Yes, I tend to work on several at once.

Are the books completely edited? Probably not. There's a reason. I need proof when some schmuck steals my book. This leads to a what-not-to-do list. Get ready because you're in for a treat.

Please don't steal my hard work. That's a given. Not only are you a thief but lazy. Write your own story. Copyright infringement is terrible and will guarantee you banishment from paid sights and legal woes.

Please don't copy my work or life and alter things. I know my work. I've seen people create similar storylines with a slight alteration, especially with the Grays. Um, excuse me, but most of the ideas in that series came from my personal life.

Ideas and titles are not copyrighted. Anyone can write about brothers, businessmen, bad boys, etc. The prose is copyrighted, and the characters are trademarked.

Please don't use my characters without my written permission. Unless you have a signed statement from me, you can't use my characters. If one of my characters shows up in someone's work, it's because I wrote their parts. People have asked me to use my characters. My answer was no because I have written them since I created them.

Don't translate my stories into another language. I DO NOT allow translation of my work. People have asked, and I have declined because it will cause copyright issues.

Don't demand a list of my books. I have reading lists on my profile, with all my books listed from left to right. Sending me a message demanding this won't get you anywhere with me. Asking about characters, a storyline, or an upcoming book is different.

Don't catfish me. That means asking for a date. (I'm married.) Or asking me to sign with your company. If you want to discuss writing opportunities, your best chance is through Instagram.

Don't critique someone's grammar when people don't ask. I have found people doing this and checked to see if they have written a story. I have come across non-writers and ones with several mistakes in their pieces of work. There's more that goes into writing than what people think. Not only do you write the entire story, but you revise it constantly. Now, will I consider suggestions? Sometimes, depending on what's helpful. That's the difference. There's no such thing as constructive criticism. Nothing is constructive about criticism. The term you want to use is constructive feedback. It's more buoyant.

Don't be a negative nelly on the stories. I get everyone becomes passionate about reading. My mom was a voracious reader. It's one thing to voice your displeasure about something. It's not okay to question the writer about personal things. Claiming that I've never been a mother is the first mistake. My child would dispute that fact. And I research many topics when I write and try to be as accurate as possible. But remember, it is a fictional piece of work.

Contrary to popular belief, I have encountered many life experiences, and those experiences weren't always pleasant. I try to incorporate them into the stories, so it can help others know that they aren't alone. Will the outcome always be favorable? Probably not because life's results aren't always promising.

Now, when it comes to writing, I try to keep in mind who reads my stories. I have a diverse group of readers. One group, in particular, is teens. Since I'm raising a teen and have been a teen, I try to write stories with that in mind and incorporate family dynamics. Because let's face it, a family does some crazy things.

I find it interesting that teens will argue with an adult about subjects they don't understand. The brain and maturity level constantly develop throughout the teen years because of hormonal changes. Maturity comes with age and experience. However, some adult hasn't discovered their maturity level yet. (Sometimes, I wonder about my husband.)

If you acknowledge toxic relationships are wrong, congrats. You're learning to achieve a healthy relationship with someone—no need to broadcast it to the world since not everyone needs to know everything about you. A little mystery is good to have in your life.

Don't attack a writer for what kind of story they write. The writer does have the right to write about what they want whether you agree with it or not. If you don't like the story, you have the option to read or not. It's a simple concept. Newsflash, I don't like everything some authors writes. I'm not a fan of fan fictions or historical books. It's nothing against the people who write them, but the genre doesn't pique my interest.

Don't post private conversations between you and others while blocking out the screen name. There are reason the conversations are private. If you do this, not only have you proven you're untrustworthy, but a schmuck. And the people that support this action are no better. It's a form of bullying and harassment. Imagine someone putting your private conversation on blast. Would you like it?

Will I defend myself and others who encounter this situation? Hell, yeah, I will. It doesn't matter the race, sexuality, gender, religion, disability, age, familia status, or national origin. I work in a business where these classes are protected. Majority of my readers will attest to this fact. And the ones who dispute it, don't know me well enough.

We're all here for the purpose of the enjoyment of reading and writing. There's no need to ruin the experience for others.

Be kind because you don't know what battle someone is fighting.

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