Advice for new writers

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I will preface and say that I read a lot. I also research writing and receive emails that published writers answer questions about publishing. Please don't ask how I managed to get the information. I think I stumbled upon it while learning about publishing. I'm also a self-published author.

Before you decide to publish, whether it's self-publish or traditional, here are some key points. (I'll get to traditional publishing in a minute.)

1. Write the entire book. Do not edit while writing. Write the draft first. The ideas need to flow without interruption.

2. Finish the book. That means complete it with an ending unless it's a series. Series are four or more books.

3. Edit the hell out of the book. That includes proofreading, grammar checks, spelling, and formatting. Then have someone read it and critique it. Then rewrite, edit, and repeat. Yes, your book will go through several revisions before it's polished.

4. Before submitting the polished version, re-read the book. You will need to look at a manuscript with fresh eyes.

5. Now, with publishing, there are several options. Research them. Self-publishing, you will need to market and self-promote your books. Traditional publishing consists of the publishing company doing the leg work.

6. Now comes companies wanting your work. Let me explain something. Unless you understand contracts, DO NOT SIGN anything until you have an attorney look at it. They will look for issues. I studied business in college, along with business law. Plus, my husband works with attorneys.

7. Research companies before even considering them. You can ask other authors for input. Some will point you in the right direction.

8. With traditional publishing, you need a literary agent to help you. You do not pay your agent or the publishing company. They pay you. If a company asks for money, they're a vanity press. Your book will collect dust.

9. Make a professional cover or hire someone to make you one. Anyone who has made a cover for me has received credit in my books. It's the same with my editor.

10. You will write crap. Sorry, but it's true. If you think you have written a bestseller, then good luck. Everyone writes crap when they start writing, even me. I've read stories that needed a lot of work. The stories required rewrites or grammar checks. (My work on Wattpad is rough drafts. I know they need edits.)

11. After you publish, the reviews will come. Expect to get anywhere from 1 star to 5 stars. Expect negative and positive reviews. It comes with the territory. Now, let me explain something about reviews. Some are helpful. Then you have the trolls. It won't matter if your book is good. They will one-star you and leave a bad review. Ignore them. It's the same with comments on Wattpad.

12. Writing is a lot of work. You'll spend countless hours on your baby, sculpting it into something worthwhile. If you want to pursue it, expect to put in the work. It comes with the territory.

13. Copyright. Learn about copyright laws to protect yourself. The minute that you publish on Wattpad and mark it all rights reserved, it's automatically copyrighted. It's the same as soon as you print your work. You own your characters and prose. That means people can't use your characters without your permission. Characters also become a trademark. I found this out from an attorney. Yes, I've had to consult an attorney for copyright infringement. Make sure you use the symbol ©, or it won't hold up in court. Do not use (c). It has no legal use.

Everything I have mentioned above, I have encountered during my 30+ years of writing. Yes, I have stumbled during the process. But it's a learning process, and I'm still learning. I used to answer every comment but stopped because life has gotten busier. Some people appreciated it while others didn't. To each their own. You can't please everyone.

Now, here is the secret to writing. Write for yourself. Don't worry about pleasing others. You will find your readers, and they will enjoy what you produce.

Baby steps.

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