The Tacoma Falls series

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Most of you know I'm a series writer. But you also know I end a series properly even if a few people jump the gun. (cough, cough, The Gray Series, cough, cough. What about Matthew? The series seems unfinished. Yep, someone wrote that in a review.)

Sometimes, an idea will smack me like a Mack truck where I will add to a series. (Saintwood, anyone?)

I also spin-off series. The Gray series, the Harper series, the Businessman's series.)

And I do a lot of cross overs. Calling Nixon Gray!

So, let me get to the Tacoma Falls series. When I originally thought of this story, I wanted to write a country romance. But with all good romance books, you need drama and humor to balance it.

What I wasn't expecting was to bring cheating into the mix. But as they say, write from experience. So, I did.

I didn't want to just write about cheating from one aspect. I wanted to show it from different viewpoints and give a clear, concise understanding of it. Most people think cheating is linear. It's not. There's more to it than people understand. Before anyone jumps to conclusions, I do not condone cheating at all. I will make that perfectly clear.

Cheating is betrayal trauma. Yes, it is trauma. And yes, you develop triggers from it. You learn how to recognize them and handle them properly. An excellent therapist helps in this aspect. My therapist still helps me. And before you ask, yes, I'm doing well. Some days are good, and some are bad. It's all about balance.

Now, one thing the Tacoma series gave me an opportunity to do was dive into domestic abuse. I knew Grayson's book would have it as a storyline. I wasn't sure how I wanted to write it. I had to let the idea fester for a bit. Homeland and Home and Heart were the perfect lead ins for Grayson's book.

Honestly, I wasn't sure how people would perceive it since it's a very triggering book. But I wanted to handle it with care. I wanted to show the full picture of a domestic abuse survivor and bring awareness to the subject matter. So many people need a voice.

So far, I've received positive feedback from the readers on Wild Horses. That's a plus. Maybe, it will help one person.

When you read Wild Horses, it will give you insight to the final book of the series. It's something different from I've done. The final book will get a lot of mixed reactions. But I promise you it will all be worth it.

The best therapy is writing. What better way to purge someone's demons than to write? And oh, writing I will do.

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