Story ideas and diversity

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People wonder were I get a lot of my story ideas and honestly, ideas will hit me in the most unexpected places. While I pull from my own personal life, I'm usually doing something when a story idea hits.

At work, out with my family, sleeping. An idea will hit at random times.  Trust me, when they hit, they hit.  Sometimes a story will start one way then I will up and change it before it's published.  This has happened a few times.

I also try to be diverse in my stories, incorporating all genders, races, sexuality and most importantly family dynamics.  To me diversity is important. It makes you more rounded and a story more realistic.

I watch people around me and how they interact. They help formulate characters, good and bad.  While most people write whatever story they choose, I write base on what I would want to read myself.

The one thing I never want to do is end a story on a disappointing way. People read for a little bit of escape from their every day life. I want to entertain them and also make them think. Call me weird.  Okay not really.

Music also plays a big part when I write. Sometimes it captures the perfect emotion. I always listen to music when I write. Not only does it make you write faster but it also conveys emotions.

For anyone that has read any of my books can vouch for this. Sometimes it helps when reading.

Now when it comes to series, trilogies and sequels, something has to grab my attention when deciding if the story will continue. I know I invest in the characters and so does the reader. Sometimes they want to see what happens as the characters evolve. Personally, I do too.

All I can say is be ready because ideas are always coming and I can guarantee one of them will become a story of some sort.

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