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I have come across some questions people are curious about, so I figured I would add a section about writing in this. Since this is a reference guide.

People often want to know where I learn to write and how old I was when I started. They want to know what inspires, motivates me and where I get ideas from. Here is a few key details.

I was 12 when I started writing because I was bored on summer vacation. My mom suggested short stories which I wrote six before deciding on writing a book. Yes I wrote my first book at 12. I edited it at 17 after learning how to write properly in English classes. It was a horror book. Shocker, right?

A teacher actually read it and asked me never to give her another book. I thought it was bad, she thought it was really good. Just goes to show, what the hell did I know.

I wrote a lot while in both high school and college. Then out of the blue I stopped. Life got busy. My parents pushed me to pursue it but I had other interests like guys. That helps when writing a male character.

I wrote on and off over the years but it wasn't until wattpad came alone that my husband pushed me to publish. Basically either put up or shut up but quit talking about it.

I'm going to skip all the other stuff because you can read the stories, plus who the hell wants to hear about all of them, when you can read them?

As for writing, it comes naturally for me. It helps me relax when I'm stressed. Work out problems in my every day life. Plus, I can infuse things into the stories.

To be honest, you the readers inspire and motivate me to write. Between the lovely messages, votes, comments, follows and overall enjoyment you get from the stories, makes me want to keep on writing. Because let's face it, if it wasn't for you, I probably wouldn't have as many stories as I do, with more coming. Yep, I have more planned.

The thing about writing is it should be natural. Ideas should flow like a river when you write. Trying too hard, shows. Trust me, it does. The last thing I want to do is turn people away from my stories or kill their love of writing. That's why I will offer good honest feedback but not harshness when someone asks me to read their stories. Yes I do read when I have a chance.

The truth is I love to write. I always have and always will. I love to create characters people love and tell their story because everyone has a story. Humor is also essential when I write, so understand all humor on the books is just that, humor.

Enough rambling. Enjoy the stories!


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