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This is one area I thought I should cover since some readers are big on it and that detail.  Details can range from description to a certain subject matter.

When I write on a subject I don't always go into details on a subject matter. Why?  Because it's just to help with plot development. I focus more on the relationships between the characters.

Trust me I've gotten the comments on It Takes Two about a heart transplant. Contrary to popular belief, I've known someone that actually lived without a heart and had to carry around a portable machine to help him live.

Bet you didn't know that, did you?

People also focus on grammar and misspellings instead of just reading. Granted I know I have mistakes because well, writing isn't perfect by any means. If you're a writer then you know how many rewrites you have to go through to perfect a story and even then the story isn't ever going to be perfect.

Most of the stories I have posted are rough drafts. When I do sit down to fully edit them, that includes reading them, throwing them through a grammar and spelling check, switching words around and adding information. It's a long and tedious process, in other words, it's boring. Considering I don't pay someone to do this and do it myself, it takes me time which I'm limited on.

Truth be told, I enjoy writing and interacting with my readers until they want to start arguing with me. Then not so much.

For anyone that questions if I do research on information, the truth is I actually do. I will actually spend time reading different articles and making sure the terminology is correct and used in the proper context. Just remember though these are pieces of fiction which means anything can be written about and they don't have to be exact, that's why they're considered fiction. Non-fiction you have to be precise and exact, big difference.

Also if you notice the wrong words being used, you can thank autocorrect for that considering it likes to change things on me since I write mostly by phone. Unless I catch it, there's a chance that autocorrects likes to screw me.

I honestly think it should buy me dinner first before it does. It would make my life so much easier.

So, here is my suggestion, just read the story. If you worry more about all these other things and forget it's fiction then chances are you're going to miss a really great story.

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