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I've learned a lot since I started writing on here. I learned people will either like or dislike stories. There's no in between with people and they're fickle.

What I find interesting is the lack of respect towards writers. While I may not like another writer's work, I would never post hurtful comments on their story or wall. I also don't spend time correcting their errors. It's not my place or job. I know this as a writer.

I also know that writing isn't perfect and always has room for improvement. Some suggestions have been helpful while others aren't.

Yes, I know people will say well, we have the right to voice our opinion if you post something. I've heard that many times. Honestly, just because you can doesn't mean you should.

People forget that a person spends time writing a story, hoping that people enjoy it. I spent countless hours writing and pushing myself when I lacked motivation. But I never stopped when other people abandoned their writings. Yes, I still write.

Now, here's a tip. Majority of my stories are humor stories which are satires of different genres. One I like to mention is anything bad boy related. I read so many bad boy stories that I put my spin on them.

For example: If you get offended reading Everyone Loves The Bad Boy Except Me, then don't read it. It's a humor book with some truth to it. Bad boys aren't romantic and they don't care how they act or what people think. If you met guys like this and I have, you would know this.

Second example: Brothers. If you grow up with a brother, then you know they enjoy picking on you constantly. They're not nice and show it. They also don't like other people picking on you. That's their job. How do I know this? I have an older brother. He wanted a dog, but got me. Yeah, we had wars.

Third example: Mature content. Most of my stories have mature content in them. Not everything is rainbows and sunshine in the stories. Yes, I write about real-life situations because I've been through them or seen it. Not everyone will agree with some things written in one of the books. Trust me, I've seen the comments.

Fourth example: Sex scenes. I had a reader tell me my language was repetitive and the scene is short with sex scenes. Let me clarify something, the act doesn't last hours on end, the guy isn't huge like most people claim, and I'm not writing freaking porn. If you're looking for writing like that, then I suggest you read one shots or other books where the writer writes nothing but sex scenes. I write stories. While I include them, they're not the riddle throughout my books unless the storyline dictates it.

I could easily pull my stories, but left them free because I know people don't have money to constantly buy books. I take a lot into consideration when I write and publish.

Be careful what you say to writers because their weapons are words and cut like a knife. Plus you might end up in a story as a villain and we know what happens to the villain, don't we?

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