Home and work

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Okay, so, I'm going to veer off topic for a bit since I have mentioned home and work frequently in my posts. While most know I'm married with kids and work, few people know what I actually do for work. I will tell you.

I have worked in the apartment industry for almost 25 years. (I bet most of you thought I was a teeny bopper. Yeah, no. What's even better is when a teen argues with me. Helloooo, I have a teen in my home and have been a teen. I've heard all the arguments.)

So, back to my job. I do a multitude of jobs at work. Mostly, I clean empty apartments (or as we refer to them as vacant). I've seen how people leave the apartments. Most people should be ashamed of themselves, you dirty birds.

I work forty hours a week to help to support my family because my husband doesn't make enough to support us. Bills and inflation suckkkkk in the states. I've had people criticize me for working. Sorry to burst anyone's bubble, but I enjoy food, heat, electric, water, and a shelter. Never criticize someone for supporting their family. Not cool.

I have a family, which includes a husband of almost 21 years, a child in her last year of teenage years (thank God), and a jerky cat. This means they make plans for me whether I want to do them or not even if I try to sneak in writing.

And I also get paid to write. (Shocker.) A few people have been misguided and called it a hobby. Um, okay, not sure how that's a hobby since it's a source of income for my family. It's also good therapy, which my therapist recommends. Writing has gotten me through some dark times in my life and kept me somewhat sane. (The sane part is debatable.)

I'm also a logical person. That means emotions don't work on me with an argument. Most people get met with an arched brow and a head shake. When people use emotions, I counter with facts. If you noticed a few characters that seem sarcastic I.E. Nixon Gray and Mack Bennett, they're actually logical characters. Yep, now you know where it comes from.

Yes, I'm a busy person, but I manage to juggle everything. And sometimes, I take a small break to recharge my batteries.

Will you get updates? Of course. I look forward to people's reactions.

Will you get them frequently? It depends on what's happening at home.

My family is extremely important to me. That's why my stories tend to center around the theme of family. Without their support, I wouldn't be able to write since my husband pushed me to publish while my mom (god rest her soul) started me on my writing journey.

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