Author's rules

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For the new people, who have found my profile, I have some simple rules. For the ones that currently follow me, this is a simple reminder.

1. All my books are listed in order from left to right on my profile. Do not ask me to give you a list of them in order. If that doesn't work, they're listed in this book.

2. Majority of my books are unedited. There are mistakes. I edit the books once I complete them and self-publish them.

3. I usually have several books ongoing at once. It breaks up the monotony of writing one book. Plus, my mind is constantly churning out ideas. No, I don't have ADHD. It's how my mind operates and has been that way my entire life.

4. Don't be surprise if I respond to comments. I used to respond to every comment but stopped. One, people complained. Two, I got busier with writing. If you need clarification, I will provide it. If you tag me, expect me to respond.

5. My story ideas come from my everyday life. My parents came from huge families. Something is bound to come from being around several family members, including my own.

6. Please don't assume anything about me. I don't know you. You don't know me. Yes, I've had readers make this mistake several times. I did give birth to a person. Yes, I have a stepson. Yes, I am married. And yes, I have a jerky cat. I also have a college degree and work a full time job.

7. I read a lot. If I'm not reading a story, I'm looking up information on the internet. I'm always learning new things because it keeps life interesting.

8. I have a very dry sense of humor. I'm also a humor writer. I found this out when I wrote Saintwood. Who knew? *shrugs*

9. I will not tolerate disrespectful behavior from anyone. I don't tolerate at home or work. I won't tolerate it online. If I find readers getting out of hand, I will handle it accordingly. No name calling. No bullying. No inappropriate remarks or comments. I want people to enjoy the books. But I will forewarn you. My readers will defend me. Yeah, I have awesome readers.

10. I have over 126 stories in my profile. If one doesn't strike your fancy, there are several others to choose from. I'm sure you'll find one that you'll enjoy. Heck, my husband enjoyed Autumn Leaves.

Now to get back to writing.

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