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This is a topic that needs addressing. I've been on here for almost three years. I started as a reader, then started writing. Since then, I wrote many books and received many followers.

I've seen comments from readers. Most make me laugh, some I agree with, and a few not so much. While majority of readers are great, there's a few that forget what Wattpad stresses and that's positivity and acceptance.

While people write stories for others to enjoy, some readers forget a real person is writing these stories. It's easy to sit behind a computer screen and get nasty. I know, I've seen it through the years. Yes, I've been alive longer than the internet has been around.

While Wattpad is considered a social media site, it's also a writing site where people can display works of art. Writing is considered part of the arts.

I know people get passionate when reading a story because they get into the story and characters. Trust me, I've seen the comments. I've also seen people take it too far and it has happened with me. That's what we refer to as harassment. Don't do that. Not only will it get you banned from social media sites, but it makes you look like a fool. Don't be a fool.

I write based on personal experiences and create stories for people to enjoy. I also write fiction and the beauty of fiction is things can be altered. Nonfiction stories need accuracy. While not everything is 100 percent, it can be close enough to facts, hence why it's fiction.

What I find disconcerting is that some people feel the need to be disrespectful to others. If you don't like something, that's your opinion, but do not and I can't stress this enough, disrespect others. Do not tell an author that liking gay characters is yucky, especially when they write said characters.

If you don't agree with an author's response to your comments, don't send your friends to defend you when the author finds out you skipped a crucial chapter. Yes, I know when someone skips a chapter because I know certain details.

Don't call an author names, that not nice and rude. Don't insinuate things about the author without asking. Don't assume because that makes an ass out of you and me. You get the point.

Please don't try to pick up people because you're looking for a date when the person is a minor or married. You want a date, go to a dating site. Please get some morals because that shows that you have none.

I write because I enjoy it and it's therapy for me, considering life gets rough, it's an escape for a few hours. It keeps my sanity in check.

There's a saying you get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. Be sweet, kind, and respectful. It will make life so much easier and laugh because life is to be enjoyed.

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