Mental health

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I wanted to touch on this subject because it's extremely important. Recently, I sought help for my mental and emotional health due to recent events going on in my life. I won't elaborate because a few are private.

My mental health took a major hit over the past few months. Instead of resorting to unhealthy behavior, I'm taking the steps towards healthy behavior.

No, I don't drink, take drugs, or do anything else that contributes to unhealthy behavior.

A therapist diagnosed me with isolation, loneliness, and PTSD and is helping me to find constructive ways to deal with it. It also contributed to me not being able to write. You can't be creative if your mental state isn't well.

I stress therapy in my stories and advise people to seek it if they have issues. Trust me. It helps.

Does it make you weak? Absolutely not. Anyone that states otherwise does not understand what they are talking about.

Most people shy away from mental health because of a stigma that society placed on it. But they shouldn't. There's nothing wrong with getting professional help. Sometimes, we need an objective point of view to help us navigate through our emotions.

With everything that is happening in the world, I recommend talking to someone. I would rather people get help than drown.

Sometimes, we need our own rainbow to offer hope.

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