Know your audience

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I'm just going to start off with this saying I write teen fiction. Why may you ask? Because I write a lot of teen fiction and the fact I have a ton of teen readers along with adult readers.

Now you're probably wondering why I write teen fiction since I'm an adult because at one point I was a teen and I currently have a teen in the home.

With that in mind I make sure to be careful and responsible with my writing. I know a lot of people do their own thing and that's fine but in no way can I okay writing something that ultimately influence someone to do something bad. Not me and not going to happen.

The one question I've gotten from new writers is how can I get people to read my story. First know your audience. Second be unique. Think of an idea would like to read then start writing.

Also promote the hell out of your story. Just don't promote on someone else's story or their wall. Send them a private message. Not only is it against wattpad rules to promote your work on someone's story but it's also rude. No other way to put it.

Also, I usually don't vote on my own stories. Some authors do this. Personally I don't. For me it's bias because I wrote it. I prefer to see other people vote if they enjoy it or like it. Do I ask for them or push it? No. It's like going into a store and being ganged up to buy something. Turns me off and I end up leaving.

I usually ask my best friends to check out my story or other readers that have read other stories. Then I have readers that enjoy majority of the stories and are amazing supporters.

Never do I once refer to people as fans. Because to me they support my stories.

The truth is find people who read the kind of story you put out. Those are your readers and they will tell others. Word of mouth is crucial.

The one thing is people want to be appreciated. They're taking their time to read your story, take your time to appreciate them. Thank them, comment when they make a comment, answer their messages. You'll start finding your readers and getting to know them better.

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