Broken phones, ipads, etc.

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Okay so anyone that has read my stories know I'm notorious for cliffhangers and plot twists. Especially cliffhangers.

They also know this tends to be the cause of a lot of phones thrown across the room and broken.  Trust me, I know. There are times I've wanted to thrown mine when I read a story but I don't because let's face it, phones are expensive.

Now I'm not saying I haven't dropped my phone on occasion or even in water. I'm a klutz.  But I would never thrown it because of I did, I wouldn't be able to write since most stories are written by phone, hence why you see mistakes in the chapter.

Autocorrect is a bitch. Always changing a word or guessing what I'm going to say.  This is why I don't catch my mistakes until I go back and edit later. Yes I do see them when I come across them so no need to point them out.  I already know I'm going to have to fix autocorrect's mistake.

I know it upsets people when I throw in a cliffhanger or two or three in a row. I see the comments and get the wrath of the readers.  But if there wasn't a cliffhanger, you wouldn't come back for more.  Right? 

So please don't break your phones because then you would have to go by another one and it's a pain to have to drive to get a new one. It's boring and tedious especially having to set up a new phone. I know.

Now one other topic I will include in this chapter is pov, whether its 1st or 3rd person. Here's the thing about these pov's. Unless you have multiple pov's it's necessary to tell people.

When a main character goes from 1st to 3rd person, they don't have to be present to narrate it especially when it's just the main character telling a story.  Let me explain before you jump on me about writing etiquette.

Let's say someone tells you a story and they were present at said event then they turn around and tell you, you turn around and tell someone else. Not only are you using 1st person but also 3rd person. First your telling the story your way about someone else's experience.

When a main character tells a story switching from 1st person to 3rd person it's called narration.  Most people tend to forget this when they read.  That means they don't need to be present to tell a story from their point of view as long as they explain who was talking or what happened.  It tends be implied.

I'd like to think my readers are intelligent enough to understand this and treat them as such.

As for critiquing a writer, be very careful on this. Critics are not a favorite with writers or anyone that is creative. While they think they are helping, they aren't.  Being critical of someone's work can kill motivation faster than anything especially when they have it.

Yes we want feedback but in a way that helps. Some ask for it, some don't. Be careful when giving it, especially when a writer doesn't ask for it. You never know what they will respond with.

People write differently. Everyone is different that's what makes us unique when we write. I know it does for me.  I prefer people to just read and enjoy the stories. Isn't that the whole point about reading?  Getting lost in another world with characters we love?

So to recap, don't throw your phones, understand narration and enjoy the story.  It's that simple.

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