The Gray Brothers with a twist

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Okay, so most of you know the Gray Brothers stemmed from an idea my gave me in my early twenties about my dad and his brothers. At the time, I wasn't sure how I could even begin to write about my dad and his brothers. Hell, I wasn't even sure how to get published.

Fast forward many, many years later, I followed a writer who I had read her stories on Instagram. She mentioned this site called Wattpad where you could publish stories. I'll be honest. I never heard of this site before. So, I boogied over to it and checked it out. I started as a reader then took the plunge thanks to the hubby who basically told me to put up or shut up. Challenge accepted.

Saintwood started this crazy journey for me. From there, things escalated. Now, I have 120 published stories. What in the ever living hell? Eh, I love to write.

Anywho, back to the Gray Brothers. One book turned into two, then became a series. And people kind of fell in love with them and their insane antics. I hope people fell in love with them. I'm assuming they did.

So, after their series, I found potential in Matthew Harper for a new series. Okay, that was a good potential since something drew me to his character. And then we had more books with an even bigger series emerge.

So, in my infinite wisdom, I decided to put a spin on things since I was missing the Gray Brothers themselves. Having them pop up as spirits was okay, but I missed the dynamics of the brothers and the humor. Cough, cough, Nixon.

Since the readers love the Gray Brothers (I'm still assuming here), and I miss them, I made a huge decision. Drum roll please.

I'm bringing back the Gray Brothers with a slight twist. If you're currently reading the latest Harper book, you get what I'm throwing down. But I need to clarify something. This is NOT a rewrite of the Gray Brothers. That book is fine just the way it is.

No, this is alternate version of the Gray Brothers, It's all relative, it's a college thing, and the wedding book. You will get to read a different version of Maggie and the brothers. Will Maggie still battle with the boys? Oh, hell yeah! Expect things to get crazy between them in this version when Maggie takes no prisoners. 

Memories run deep as do transgressions. It's time for a little payback 😉.

As for the spin-off series, it's coming. I have plans for the Wilson series. As for a few readers getting their wish, expect to see five sisters emerge this time around. That's all I'm saying.

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