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I've seen this a lot from readers. They put a corrected word with an asterisk next to it in a comment. Please do not do this. Majority of stories are unedited versions, which need corrections.

I've asked people to stop doing this and their answer is people appreciate when I correct them. I will be honest, no, we don't. Unless someone specifically asks you to proofread something for them, it's best not to do this.

If people want to comment on the story, regarding the characters or storylines that's fine. I respond to comments when I see them. Yes, I'm one of the few writers that do respond to readers. I will give fair warning, I respond accordingly to comments. Just like you can comment, I can respond.

When I do go back and edit, not only do I reread everything, but I use editing tools on the stories. Some writers send their work to editors and let them deal with the mistakes. You also pay for that service.

Until you have final version next to the title of the story, it's not edited. Remember that when you read a story.

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