Finish the story

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Okay, before I start this, I have 91 completed stories with more coming. Shocker, isn't it?  I'm also a series writer, which means a storyline expands over several books with characters.

My job is to keep the story moving and complete a book. A reader's job is to read and enjoy the experience of the journey. Yes, I have people tell they want more details, but here's some vital information. Most editors will eliminate unnecessary information if you send a book to them. It's their job. As a writer, it's your job to write the story and finish it.

Will everyone like your story? No, but more will love it. I found this out with readers.

My first book to a series always lays the foundation for it. It introduces the characters and basic plot. The series expands on it. If you stop at the first book, you miss a lot.

Now some books are longer than others, depending on the direction of the book. There's no rhyme or reason to it. It depends on what I'm covering. The one thing I do is finish a book. I won't ever leave a book incomplete. I've seen this happen with many writers, and I've wasted my time investing in a book without an ending.

It doesn't matter if the ending sucks or not. I want a resolution to a story in some form.

If a story gets dragged, there's a chance I'm going to get bored. It's the same with writing. Trust me, I've read books by famous authors, and within the first few pages, I got bored. I'm like, ugh. My mom was like read the book. Yeah, we argued a lot about books as we discuss them.

My mom reads the kind of romance novels that I don't. She also reads my books and asks me which the next one is coming.

Now, here's a critical point. I don't get real descriptive with sex scenes because my mom reads my work. Imagine your parent reading The Businessman's Escort. The same parent that gave birth to you and raised you. Keep this in mind when reading my stories. I respect my mom's opinion.

I also know she wants a completed book and prefers paperbacks. She's the driving force for me to publish in paperback. For anyone who owns a paperback of my stories, you can thank her.

You can also thank her for starting my writing journey and how I write.

Now get to writing. You have a story that needs finishing. Don't worry if it's good or not. That's what editing is for after you complete the book but finish the book.

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