Rudeness and disrespect

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This is a topic that sorely needs addressing. While people think it's cute to make disrespectful comments on the internet, it's not. This is not being sensitive whatsoever. I've been around longer than the internet as has many other people.

No, this is pointing out a problem that needs to be corrected.

People are entitled to their opinions. They are not entitled to criticize others because they think they have the right. I've cautioned my family about this many, many times.

I've seen people hide behind a keyboard and develop an imaginary backbone. I wonder if that applies to actual face to face interaction. Would you say those things to someone face? Probably not. So, why do it behind a computer screen?

Did you know calling people names or making hurtful comments fall under cyber bullying? No? Eh, wrong. It does. Michigan has a law about this, which is quite detailed. I had to research it for Romeo's book.

Calling someone ugly isn't right. Okay, you don't find them attractive. So, what? What if someone called you ugly? Would you like it? No, you wouldn't.

Criticizing someone's appearance, their personal life, or the person in general is a no go for me. I've dealt with that shit my entire life.

My mom used to say consider the source and ignore it. Newsflash: that doesn't work because you're ignoring the problem. People need to put themselves in check before making comments.

I want readers to consider my stories a safe place when they read without judgment from others. Reading is an escapism. It shouldn't make you feel worse because someone opens their mouth.

So, with that said, if I find a rude or disrespectful comment toward other readers, pictures, or myself on any of the stories, I will block you. Consider this your only warning.

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