Music and emotions

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People ask how I write the way I do or what is my secret. It's quite simple. I'm an emotional writer. I write based on emotion. Music influences it when I trying to capture the right emotion in any story.

For most that have read the stories I've written will tell you I use a lot of music to capture the feeling. They will also tell you I throw them through an emotional ringer through the stories. Sometimes a chapter can contain many emotions all at once.

I want people to feel what I'm feeling to connect with the characters. Some are funny, some are hated, some are lovable then you have those ones that pull everything together. Those are the characters that dig at the emotions and make you treasure everything about them. These characters are my absolute favorites.

When I start writing, I start with a basic concept and then build on it. As I write I throw every emotion I can into them. If I'm laughing, you're laughing. If I'm angry, you're angry. If I'm crying, you're crying. Trust me I know.

Now don't get me wrong, there are so many techniques to writing. The do's and don't's but what I found helps me is using my emotions.

It also helps me in my real life. It calms me once I exhausted my emotions and makes me more laid back. Plus, I found out I laugh more because I'm able to deal more effectively with them.

I don't just want to write a story but write something special that I know people will enjoy. If they love it, even better. To me that is a huge compliment.

Now most chapters and stories that get published are rough drafts. It's raw just like emotions. When I go back and edit, I polish it up giving the final touches.

My emotions tend to ride high and crazy hence why so many stories got published and more are to come. Seeing the reaction from people is what motivates me to write more including my best friend Gema. Yes she is always telling me to write more. I tease her but she is a great motivator. Plus, I give her credit, she read every single book I have put out.

Bri is also another one of my best friends and will give me her honest opinion of she likes something or not. Along with her and Gema, I can always count on them to let me know if something is working or not. If I'm hitting their emotions, I can guarantee I'm hitting everyone's emotions.

If you want to know my secret, that's it. All my writing comes from my emotions. It's the only way I know how to write and for me it works.

Happy reading.

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