How to write a story

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I get ask this question from people. So, I will explain how I write and it will actually surprise you.

I usually start with a basic idea about two characters when I'm doing something mundane like housework. Yeah, weird, right? 

You need a genere to start like humor, romance, drama, fantasy, etc. Then a premise. What do you want to write about in your story? I go with the family theme because well, my family is nuts. No, I'm not kidding. They're crazy.

Next, I decide in characters and give them one personality trait to start. Give them a brief description about their appearance. Don't make it too descriptive or you lose sight of the story itself.

Most of my books usually start with six characters until I branch out and add more characters. Branching sucks because you have to keep track of them and they run amuck.

After creating a basic plot and characters, figure out your setting. High school, college, work, something. Give your characters a purpose and not dangling.

Example: Joe Smoe carried papers from his office to the filing room. As he walked, the papers flew out of his hands and scattered all over the floor.

Your readers will figure out where Joe is and he has a terrible time carrying papers. Personally, I would make the poor slub trip and crash into someone. Yeah, I'm a humor writer.

You will always find humor in my books even if they're serious. It gives the story balance and breaks up the drama. Real people do laugh.

Once you have these key points, then start writing. I'll be honest and say your first story will suck. It's no fault to you, but every writer's first story sucks. That's why you keep writing to improve. Practice makes somewhat perfect.

Now here's some advice. Read a lot. You can't write unless you read. It helps when your figuring out a scene and not sure how you want to write it. That doesn't mean writing like someone else or copying their work. That's a big no. Contrary to popular belief, my ideas come my personal life not other people's stories. I told you my family is nuts.

I've been writing over 30 years and didn't start publishing until 4 years ago. I also gained a lot of life experience to invoke emotions into my characters. You can't write realistic characters unless you understand why they do what they do. Why is Betty acting this way? Why is Charlie doing that? Why? Why? Why? When you figure it out, then you understand your characters better. My characters become my family because well, they are my family in some shape or form.

Last piece which is vital. I write fiction which means nothing has to be exact. Yes, research helps with accuracy but you can play with fiction. Nonfiction you can't. That's the difference. Yes, I do research on topics by reading or speaking to someone directly. It gives the story somewhat realistic point of view to help the readers connect better.

Now, it's time to bleed on your pages and throw everything you go into your story. If it sucks, then try again. Writing isn't perfect and neither are people.

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