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Most of you have seen my announcement on my wall, but for those that haven't, I will inform you now. I have found a stolen copy of Saintwood on another site that has been removed.

The site handed me a bullshit story about not knowing it was my book. Yeah, it was bullshit because this is the second time this site has done this to me within the past few weeks. I called them on their bullshit.

Yeah, I'm miffed.

So, since people can't leave my books alone, I am only leaving three chapters available for completed stories. I'm making them available on Amazon starting at 2.99.

I never intended to remove any books and leave them free on Wattpad because I understand people's finances. Trust me, I've been there, trying to make ends meet.

But people can't seem to leave my books alone. Some keep the titles, then some change the titles but still keep the content. Are you insane? I have proof the stories belong to me. How dumb can people be?  It seems they are. 🙄

It takes one person to ruin it for others. Yeah, thank the thief who caused this mess.  I enjoy spending time contacting people and file copyright infringement paperwork.

I'm not the only author this has happened to.

Now, I understand it'll upset people, but consider my position. I put many hours abs work into a story to have someone profit from my hard work. If anyone should profit, it's the writer, not the thief.

Please do not take offense as this is geared towards my readers and followers because it isn't. Mostly, the people who support me are awesome. The thieves not so much. I gave choice words for them.

Chapters will come down except for ongoing books until their finished. All books are going to Kindle, paperback, and hard cover. It'll take me some time but I'll get them published.

If you go to and search Johanna Delacruz, you'll find my books. Kindle versions are priced between 2.99 and 5.99 depending on how long they are and if I combined books. You will also read bonus chapters.

Hopefully, stolen books stop.

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