Never ending stories with toxic romances, oh, my

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Okay, most of you will agree with me on this one. Why do people write never ending stories with toxic romances?

You know the ones. Girl is married to guy. Guy treats the girl like shit and fawns all over the OW (other woman), believing everything the OW says. Oh, and they get a divorce, yet the guy won't leave his ex alone because he's an obsessed puppy. And the story goes on and on for, oh, I don't know, five hundred chapters!

Christ on a bike. I waisted my life on a story with no redemption or resolution. Why? Beats the hell out of me. This is when we ventured into the abyss as a writer losing sight of their story. It happens.

I'm not one of those writers. My goal is to write an ending that will satisfy the story and readers. Although it will morph into a series. Just a little FYI if you were wondering.

I prefer to see the evolution of the characters since they drive the story. I do not enjoy having a story carrying on with no ending in sight.

This brings me to my next point: cheating stories. I'm a sucker for a good cheating story. Some have the woman moving on while others have the men groveling. Both are equally good since not everyone splits when someone cheats.

I've even written cheating stories. But I draw the line with making my heroine weak. If they start out that way, they won't stay that way.

Having the guy care more about the OW/OM than his love interest throughout the entire book is a big no. Yes, couples have issues. They fight. But if the guy is constantly believing the OW/OM, they're a certifiable idiot. And I've written many idiot characters.

A few chapters is fine to establish the story but not the entire book. It makes me lose faith in humanity and their intelligence. Has anyone seen the Shaw boys? I think they're trying to find their brains lodged up their asses.

Now, I'll give credit where credit is due to the writers that can write a decent story that drives readers nuts. Those writers have driven me nuts when I read their stories, wanting to know how it all ends. Congratulations! You managed to keep me up at night when I should be sleeping. You achieved what I do to my readers and drive them up the wall with my characters' antics.

Now, here's a tip. If you plan to write a story, finish it. Give the readers some resolution one way or another. And before my readers yell at me to complete an ongoing story, and you will, I always complete my stories, eventually.

Sometimes, I need a reminder since I have a horrible memory.

Happy reading.

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