A letter to the readers

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Over the past two days, I have received an enormous amount of support from my readers and followers. A few didn't understand why I unpublished chapters, but I made sure to inform them. I'm not one for leaving people with questions and no answers.

The chapters will remained unpublished for a while. Now, here's some information. You can decipher it anyway you want. It doesn't mean they will remain unpublished.

My temper gets the best of me at times. This time was one of them which is understandable.

I spent over four years writing stories. I also make an income with it to help support my family. Recently, my husband had a job change which cut our income. The writing helps supplement the bills besides my regular job. I'm not telling you this for sympathy. I'm the type to get back up when I get knocked down.

I detest someone stealing my hard work and trying to profit from it. It's wrong. How they're getting the stories and posting them is beyond me. Why companies aren't verifying the original writer baffles my mind. I'm not the only author this has happened to.

I would rather write than deal with this issue.

Now, that we cleared that up, I have a plagiarism checker. Surprise! I will catch people stealing my stories.

What does this mean? Well, I'm sure you can figure it out 😉.   My readers are smart cookies.

In the meantime, expect new chapters to come your way to keep you entertained. I still have stories to finish and make available for everyone.

Yes, all stories are going to Amazon for everyone.

The brothers, the most feared boys of Saintwood, and many others are itching to return.

Much love and happy reading,


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