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People have asked me how I'm able to write like I do and I had to think about this. Then it hit me. I had imaginary friends growing up. Since I lived on a street where not many kids lived, I had to create friends to keep me entertained.  I also created scenarios at school on the playground.

I would turn something into a spaceship or boat and we would treat the ground like lava or water.  I was always coming up with some crazy idea that when my real friends came around, there was never a dull moment.

I would create different worlds with different situations. We would also create outfits and become part of that world. In essence I had always been a storyteller.

Then at twelve I started writing it down thanks to my mom. So you can thank her for encouraging me to write.

I believe as children, having an imagination and imaginary friends isn't just important but necessary.  It helps us tell a story because we have already imagined a thousand different scenarios and outcomes.

Imaginary friends are the characters that we bring to life and interact with.  We give them description to what they look like and their personalities. We also determine if they are good or bad. Because they are our creation.

I grew up in a time that I didn't have social media or the technology we have nowadays, so I relied on my own imagination to keep me entertain. Apparently mom thought I should be on the stage since I was overdramatic as a kid.  Kept telling me, I should be an actress. Pft. I became a writer.

The whole point of writing is using our imagination and letting it run wild. Throwing everything we can at a character and seeing their reaction. Putting them in situations and figuring out how they will react to it.

I say let your imagination go nuts and break the rules. No one says you have to write a particular way.  You're the creator so create. Let the editors deal with the errors. That's their job.  Yours is to create and make a messy beautiful experience for all readers to enjoy.

Try it. You may just be surprised.

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