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Ah, a chapter everyone has wanted to read. One that talks strictly about my characters. Many people can attest I've created memorable characters. I'll be honest. Nixon and Frazier were only created a a foil to the main love interest. I never expected them to become so popular.

Now, let me break it down how I create a character. I start with one personality trait before deciding gender or name. It's easier to work with one trait than several. Eventually, the traits will morph into more.

Next, I hunt for a name. Some names come actual family members and friends. Some I search for online. I prefer unique names like my own. And unisex names or derivatives of names is a big thing with me.

Once I create the characters, they will drive any story I write. Plots can vary, but my character will bring it all together. Expect a lot of chaos in the stories because my characters aren't normal by any means.

As a writer, it's instinct to observe people. I will pluck character inspiration from anyone including online and in real life. Consider yourself warned. It's how I create most of my villains.

As for the type of characters I write, my stories include a variety of them. Different sexualities, genders, races, religions, national origins, disabilities, and many others. I want my stories realistic. These things don't define my characters, they're a part. It doesn't matter if it's a same sex or opposite sex relationship. Everyone has issues in the love department.

I love writing senior citizens, parents, and toddlers. They add a lot of levity and balance a story. Plus, they have no filter, whatsoever. I used to stare at my mom and daughter like they lost their minds because neither had filters when my mom was in her seventies, and my daughter was a toddler. (If that doesn't give you a clue to my age, I don't know what does. Helloooo, Gen-X)

Whatever story you read expect a good time while you lose your mind when my characters put you through an emotional wringer. I do not take responsibility for what they do. Once I create them, they run amuck. I gave up trying to wrangle them a long time ago.

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