Here's a diddy you all will enjoy: Pet peeves

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Everyone has pet peeves about something. But these are regarding books. Get ready, everyone. You're about to hear my biggest pet peeves. Buckle up because it will get brutal.

Now, most of you know who I am. If you don't, I'm assuming you live under a rock or you're not familiar with my work. I'm that author that writes humorous stories about dysfunctional families. Calling all Grays and Harpers. I'm also the one that has been dealing with thieves stealing my work. Yep, it's still happening. Nailed two of them this week. Stupid thieves.

Anywho, this chapter is about pet peeves with stories. Let's get to it. You might agree or disagree. Chances are you'll say hell yeah.

Recently, I come across stories that had a lot of potential and fell flat. The stories made absolutely no sense whatsoever. If you're going to write, at least learn how to tell a story. Inner dialogue is okay but not to the point that's all I'm reading. It makes me want to bang my head against the wall. I will rip a story from my library faster than you can say whoosh!

Formatting is another issue. I read a book where I spent more time trying to decipher who was saying what that it gave me a freaking headache. Hello, ibuprofen. Holy hell, that sucked. Writing one long ass paragraph with everything in it is even worse. I have a comprehension problem. This makes it tend times worse for me. Don't do this if you write. Learn how to format correctly.

Not telling readers it's a sample story. So, I invested my time into reading a story and you posted sample chapters? Are you insane? The switch and bait tactic doesn't work and pisses people off. Time is precious. And no one likes their time wasted. Again, don't do this.

Before asking someone to check out your story because you're thirsty for reads, make sure it's a story they will read. I have particular interests and won't waste my time on genres I don't have any interest in. I have never read Harry Potter, the Lord of the Rings, or other books like them. Sorry, but it's true. They don't interest me.

Punctuation and grammar are vital. I freely admit most of my books on here are rough drafts. They have errors. I know they have errors. The edited versions become paid versions. I can overlook some errors. I even read books with lots of reads with several errors in them. But I can still read them. Misuse words, incorrect spelling, and lack of punctuation will bring out the pitchforks faster than you can bat an eyelash. Take a quick peek before you post. It will save you hassle.

Word count. Boasting you have over two thousand works in chapters isn't good. In fact, it's terrible. Trust me. I write a lot of words and even I don't do that. Break those into more chapters. Your readers will thank you. I start to lose interest when the chapter goes on and on. Anywhere from 1100 to 2000 words for a chapter is ideal. It gives you flexibility.

Asking me to check out a story so you can hit me up will get you blocked. You big fat liar. Had this recently happen to me. I loathe liars. If you ask me to check out a story, you better have one.

Plagiarism. Yep, this is a biggie. Prose is copyright protected. Ideas are not. But writing a story way to similar to someone else's story is a fine line and endanger of committing plagiarism. I've had a few people accuse me of this. Okay, show me proof that I copied you or others word for word. Let me break it down for everyone. They had no proof and cried foul. Yeah, I thought so considering I pull from my personal life. Me and others have had our stories stolen several times over. It's tedious to report the stories and get them taken down. And pisses the writers off. Now have I come across stories similar to mine, yes. Cough, cough, The Gray Brothers, cough, cough. Can I file a DMAC against them? No. They didn't violate copyright. Is it ethical? That's debatable.

Back to stories. I always get sidetracked with my rants.

Anyway, what's up with the weak MCs? Can someone explain this to me? I wrote one and cringed at it because I hated it. That's not me. I like my female leads to be a strong, sarcastic person and give the guy a run for their money. Or a male lead. Take your pick. Someone is going down, and it's not the lead.

Now back to finding a decent story while I recuperate from this root canal.

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