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I'll be blunt and say that I don't like spoilers with anything or with my books. Not only do spoilers ruin the experience of the journey to get to the end of a movie or book, but it makes me not want to finish either.

I have yet to watch The Avengers: End Game because my mom spoiled the ending for me. Yeah, she got scolded for it because I love the Avengers.

Recently, someone posted "spoilers" about The Gray Sisters: Expect the Unexpected. No offense, but their "spoilers" were way off base. I could have disputed them, but I wasn't in the mood for an argument. Been there, done that. And the people that argued with me were wrong since they didn't bother to read the previous chapter thoroughly. But I digress.

Now, what I will say is no one knows what I have planned for any of the stories because ideas tend to change while I'm writing. Unless the book is complete, the story is still evolving.

Even if I complete a book, I prefer readers not to spoil a book for others. Plus, no two readers read and interpret a book the same way. One might like it while another won't. I won't tolerate readers jumping on each other and calling each other names. Yes, I've seen it happen and had to call them on their behaviors.

I expect my readers to respect each other and me.

If you have questions, rarely will I answer them but say to keep reading.

Now as for upcoming stories that hasn't been released, they're coming. Will I tell you what the stories are about? Doubtful. All I can tell you is that I'm a series writer and will write many books in that series. I have a few stand alone books, and sometimes, the characters will make an appearance in other books.

Yes, the Harper series will have several books, so take a deep breath and relax. Another Saintwood book is coming. (I have earplugs for anyone screaming.) More fairytale books will be added. The Businessman series will a have a few more books. So on, so forth. You get the drift.

Ongoing books will be completed.

I don't announce updates, so you will need to add a book to your reading list or follow me. I do give reader's choice to which story gets an update. When I'm in writing mode and ideas are coming, that's when you will get slammed with updates.

Now, back to writing because who doesn't want a new chapter?

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