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Since I do look at comments on my wall and stories, I will clarify something. My stories are fiction. While I do pull from my personal life, majority of content is fiction.

I find it interesting people question things about me personally. Don't, because that's the first mistake and last. I don't tolerate disrespect from my family or anyone else. I treat people how I want to be treated. It's how my parents raised me.

Yes, I have kids. I'm married. I work. I write and edit constantly. I'm also a nice person when treated with respect. Arguing gets people nowhere but tempers to flare. I learned this a long time ago. I tend to be laidback unless pushed. My husband found this out years ago.

My theory is if you don't like a story, I have many others to read like 97. Yeah, I've been busy.

Another issue is rudeness. I'm not a fan of rude people. People will counter and say well, you're being rude. No, let me clarify this. I treat people accordingly. When someone tells me I shouldn't do or act a certain way, that won't fly with me.

First, you're not my parent. Not even my parents dictated my behavior unless need be. Also, I am a parent and caution my child when she's out of line.

This a fine line between writers and readers. You have to tread carefully. You don't want to alienate readers, but you don't disrespect either. Readers want respect, but so do writers. We put a lot of time and energy into our writing. I know I do.

Reading is an enjoyment. Yes, you won't always agree with the writer or story. No one says you have to, but being respectful. That's all we're asking for when you read a story.

Be kind always.

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