Writing fast and rough drafts

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Here is a question I have received a lot from people. How the heck do you write so fast?  Easy, I have a crazy mind, fast thumbs and usually post a rough draft.

I do most of my writing on my phone.  Hellooooo autocorrect and predictive words which tends to screw me a lot. I also write the majority of my stories by phone which by the way doesn't have a grammar check unless you download apps for it.  I downloaded the basic version of Grammarly and the paid version of Ginger Page.

While I try to remember to use them, I'm so busy writing that I tend to forget. It happens. Plus, people want the next chapter quickly so they all get the rough draft. Until I have read and proofread the actual chapter to catch mistakes, I'm pretty sure people are going to notice.

Then I have people that like to point out the mistakes. Trust me, you don't need to point them out, I know they're there. (Wow, look at that, I used they're and there properly. Imagine that.)

People have to remember that it's been years since I've been in school and remember writing techniques. Yes, I'm old. 

Here's the thing about writing, everything can be fixed in editing which is boring by the way. It's a long process that takes a lot of time.  When I edit, I go back and read every single line and word.  Then I run two grammar checks on it.

When I read a story, I never point out the mistakes if I see them. I look for character development, storyline, flow, plot twists, and cliffhangers. Basically, I checking to see if the story is interesting.

Another aspect people have to bear in mind is the fact I suffer from tremors in my hands. It's a neurological problem I have that I have had for years. My dad also had it.  There is nothing they can do for it. Trust me I've already seen doctors because of it.  The fact my brain processes information quicker than my Boyd functions also adds to the difficulty along with the fact I'm using the keyboard on my phone.

Trust me I have found double words and had to go back and delete them because of this.

To me, mistakes are minor. I prefer to get an idea of people to enjoy a story and if they get the rough draft then so be it.  At least I have an idea of a story is any good or not.  I can always go back and fix things later if my mind slows down with story ideas.  I don't see that happening anytime soon.

So you wanted to know, there you go. Now back to writing. I got a lot of ideas waiting for everyone.

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