Mature rating

87 7 8

As most of you know, majority of my books have been rated mature for a reason. Majority of my books contain swearing, violence, and sexual content, but they also contain real life situations. Most of these real life situations come my personal life.

I've had readers stumble across my profile in surprise... shock. I'm not sure what their reactions are when they spot the massive body of work I have posted. Yes, I have a lot of stories posted with several pieces of ongoing work because I'm always writing. If you don't believe me, ask my family since I always have my head in my phone. Aside from Memphis, everything thing posted was written by phone. It has improved my texting skills immensely.  All editing is done on the computer. I need a large monitor since my eyesight is what it used to be.

If you spot a mature rating on my books, know it has  mature content. I did this to safeguard with my teen readers. For my other readers, proceed with caution when you step into my world. It can get a bit messy.

If you think 128 pieces of work is a lot, you haven't seen anything yet. After March 16, I'm gearing up to finish ongoing books and add more to my profile.

Get ready because my work is about to explode.

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