About the author

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I know a lot of people are curious about who I am, so I figure I would give information to everyone.

I have been married for over 12 years but with my husband for 16 years and still counting. I have a teen daughter who has Autism Spectrum Disorder, aka ASD. My daughter means everything to me. Anyone that says otherwise doesn't know me at all.

I started writing at 12 because I was on summer vacation and bored. There was nothing on tv, so my mom suggested I write short stories. After 6 of them, I decided to write a book. Yes, a book. It was a horror book which I polished later on, and someone read it. They didn't like the genre but loved the writing.

It turned out I had a gift for writing which I had inherited from my grandmother on my dad's side. We are the only writers in the family, and yes, she was a published writer.

I wrote off and on over the years but not heavily until recently. I was a bit busy raising a kid, taking care of my family, and working. Plus, I wasn't sure what I wanted to write or if I would ever publish, then came wattpad.

I read a couple of stories until I got to one and was disappointed. No, I don't remember what the name is. So, my husband challenged me to write, which I did. Saintwood was published March 2, 2017.

After that came other books, as you can see.

I love to write and tell a story. I love to write characters I fall in love with. My absolute favorites are Frazier and Nixon.

I have simple tastes in everything. The simpler, the better. Coffee is a must, and I love homemade apple pie.

I hail from Michigan in the United States, hence why most of my stories are Michigan base. I enjoy interacting with people unless they become offensive and rude, then not so much.

My parents have always supported my writing and felt I should take it further. Anything I would write, I would read to them, and they would give me their feedback. For them, I'm grateful as I am for my own family. Because of my life, I was able to put pieces of me into the stories.

I also have some great friends who are great supporters of me, and I equally support them. Gema is one of the most fantastic friends I could ever ask for. She makes me laugh every day, and laughter is essential.

I like to be unique and fresh with stories, but I also want to touch on serious topics. To me, it's important to be relatable to people.

Enough rambling because I got stories to update, lol. That's just me, nothing more, nothing less.

Keep on reading.

Much love

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