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I need to clarify a few details since no one bothers to read my bio. Yes, I'm talking to the men that get on here and want to get personal with me. Let's start with the first thing. I AM MARRIED.

Did that get your attention? No, then let me say it louder for the people in the back. I AM MARRIED.

Secondly, I have kids. Third, I live in Michigan which I have said countless times. Final, I use Wattpad to write stories. People read, I write. Simple.

I don't mind talking to my readers until they decide to overstep the boundaries, then I will let them know. If people still persist, then I will mute someone. There's a fine line between chatting and digging into someone private life. Yes, I do talk about my life, but I keep certain things private.

Yes, I pull from my personal life with writing, but only I know what parts they are. Now, don't confuse this with me not wanting to interact with my readers because I do enjoy that. Most of my readers are sweet and funny. I give props to the readers that make me laugh because I'm a humor writer.

Mostly, I'm a nice person and treat people how I want to be treated. As long as people respect my boundaries, then we're good.

Does that mean people can't come talk to me if they have an issue? Yeah, they can still talk to me and I will help as best as possible. I'm a parent and most of my readers are teens. Sometimes people need to talk and if I can help, I will. Will I discuss this with other people? Nope, because that's spoken to me in confidence.

If people want to discuss the stories, I welcome it. But for the love of God, quit asking me basic questions which is in my bio and stop asking for a date. It's never going to happen.

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