Inspiration for characters

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Most people want to know where I get my ideas for my characters and stories. While most of my characters are a compilation of people I know, some of them have my characteristics. But I will tell you something else. My readers also help to inspire my characters.

Since I started writing on Wattpad, I have come across many people with differences. Basically, I have a diverse readership which I love. I wanted to include people of all races, sexualities, genders, familia status, religion, disabilities and many more in my stories. I also have to keep in mind how familiar I am with subjects. Here comes the research.

What I didn't want to right is people who are perfect. No one is perfect and people make mistakes. It's human nature. While many people yell at a character, they need to keep in mind the character isn't perfect. (Yes, I see the comments.)

I've read where people said, oh, I would have done it this way. That's great, but you won't know until you're faced with a situation. Trust me. I was the same way when I was younger. It changed when age and experience. Plus, if I'm not invoking some kind of emotion, then I'm not doing my job.

When I create a character, I don't just slap them on paper and say that's it. No, I start with the basics and go from there. Then my characters take on a life of their own and run amuck. (Nixon)

Sometimes, my supporting characters become more popular than the mains. (Nixon and Frazier)

I had readers despise a character, then flip and like them. (Damien from Beauty's Beast)

People ask me which are my favorite characters. It's difficult because I love each of them. They have different personalities and perspectives.

Now, here's some advice when commenting or contacting me. Do not ever say something negative regarding someone's sexuality, gender, religion, race, or anything else that you disagree with. My tolerance is zilch for racists, homophobics, or anyone else that lacks tolerance. My husband and daughter are biracial. And my daughter has autism which is classified as a disability.

I write to include many people and create a safe zone while covering sensitive subjects. The readers who have spoken to me, know this. I do speak to most people who contact me with the exception of guys trying to hit me up for a date 🙄. But I digress.

Will there be more stories with different characters? Yep. Will readers find themselves infused in a character? Probably. Everyone is an inspiration for me. Remember that.

Now, enjoy the stories.

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