Insight to the books

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Since people wonder where I get my ideas, I will tell you. I get them from personal experience or what's happening to me in real-life.

No, I don't get them from other books or movies. Yes, I've seen the comparisons. Yes, you can stop.

The Gray series is based on my dad, his brothers, my neighbors, my brothers, cousins, and family. My mom gave me the idea many, many years ago before anyone else wrote their books. My dad didn't think it was a good idea. Guess who's right? Not dad.

The Businessman's escort came to me when I got ready to go grocery shopping. I wanted to write about a businessman but needed it more realistic than what people write. No, I didn't get the idea from Pretty Woman, Fifty Shades of Grey, or 365 days. Yes, I've seen all of them. First of all, my book has pertinent information in it. If you read it, you will understand. No, I won't tell you. Read the book.

The idea of One Drunken Mishap came from dealing with single parents like my husband when I met him. He was a single father. I dated single fathers and know single parents. Most of the information from the book came from real life like why Lina is divorced. Most people who married and divorced aren't happy after the divorce. A few are for good reason, but some aren't. I have family that went through it and chose not to get married again or remarry a few times.

Tacoma Falls is came from something that I experienced personally. I won't elaborate. Let's just say, I know how Ember feels regarding her ex-husband.

After The Rain was based on a family member who went through what Molly went through in the book.

Rain is based on my daughter who has Autism as is Autumn Leaves.

I wrote The Creature when I was 12. I hadn't even read IT. I wrote that based on nightmares I experienced as a kid.

Landview was based on my college life, just not all the drama. My friends had drama.

These are a few examples of where I get majority of my ideas. Why would I need to look at movies or other books to get an idea when I have several in my life?

You wanted insight, here you go.

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