Chapter 41: Survive the night

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After visiting Hiram, Calista made her way over to her father and Jughead, while Ace told her that he was going home to look after Jellybean

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After visiting Hiram, Calista made her way over to her father and Jughead, while Ace told her that he was going home to look after Jellybean.

"We refuse to believe what Ethel said," Jughead stated "That Jason Blossom is the Gargoyle King."

"Even though his coffin was empty, from what you told me Jug." Calista added. "It defies logic, I mean dad you were put in jail because people believed you killed him. There is a fucking video of the murder."

"Well," Fp began as he set down the glasses he was chewing on. "Say Ethel is off her rocker, okay, but where's Jason's body?"

"And someone's still wearing the Gargoyle King's antler," Calista added "So it's up to us to figure out who, Blossom or no Blossom."

"I keep thinking about that matchbook that Dr. Curdle found in Baby Teeth's throat." Jughead sighed "Kurtz must have got that at the Maple Club, right?"

"What are you getting at, boy?" FP questioned.

"Do you have a copy of Kurtz's mugshot I can borrow?" Jughead asked, leaning forward in his seat.

Calista followed after Jughead into the Maple Club, Jughead stopped Laura, the escort they spoke with previously, and asked her if she could talk

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Calista followed after Jughead into the Maple Club, Jughead stopped Laura, the escort they spoke with previously, and asked her if she could talk.

She reluctantly followed them to a secluded area of the Maple Club.

"Did vou ever see a client in here by the name of Kurtz," Jughead started, pulling out the mugshot of Kurtz to show her "At the Maple Club? He looked like this."

"Yes." Laura nodded, recognizing Kurtz's face "I never worked with him directly."

"Who did he work with?" Jughead asked.

"All of his interactions were with..." Laura trailed off.

"The Red Dahlia?" The twins questioned "Penelope Blossom?"

"Yeah." Laura confirmed.

"Out of curiosity," Jughead continued "You never saw Penelope with a young man, a young redhead, did you?"

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