Chapter 14: There Will Be Blood

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Calista was sitting on the couch watching Jughead going mad with his connecting the dots map of Riverdale

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Calista was sitting on the couch watching Jughead going mad with his connecting the dots map of Riverdale.

Probably to figure out what Hiram's big plan was.

Calista already had suspicions about what his plan was, but she needed evidence about all of that.

"Hey," Fp said as he walked through the door.

"Hey," The twins answered.

FP looked at Calista then looked over at Jughead's map of Riverdale on the wall "What's all this?"

"Hopefully, this is the article that saves the town from Hiram fucking Lodge." Calista snarled in anger and stress and she massaged her forehead.

"Guys..." FP began.

"If I can fit the pieces together," Jughead answered.

"Boy, you need to drop this," FP warned "He rescued us. He bought the trailer park, forgave our debts."

"Yeah and now we are his little bitches dad. I will not be Hiram Lodge's bitch!" Calista growled in anger.

"What? He's the reason we almost lost the trailer park." Jughead pointed out.

"Hiram's slicker than a bottle of snake oil, no doubt, but this is--" FP started.

"Dad, Dad, please!" Jughead pleaded "Hiram Lodge just bought The Riverdale Register."

"He's trying to silence dissenting voices before he makes his big play." Calista continued for her twin "He's afraid. He's afraid of this exposure."

"Are you still going after Hiram Lodge?" Archie asked the Jones twins the second he walked into Swords and Serpents's classroom

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"Are you still going after Hiram Lodge?" Archie asked the Jones twins the second he walked into Swords and Serpents's classroom.

"Well, that depends." Jughead closed his laptop.

"Who's asking? You? Veronica? The archfiend himself?" Calista asked him sarcastically.

"Guys." he pulled up a stool "There's gonna be a special election to replace Josie's mom. Hiram Lodge wants my dad to run."

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