Chapter 19: Shadow of a Doubt

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Well things couldn't get any worse

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Well things couldn't get any worse... but it turns out they could.

Because the night FP and Jughead came home after the whole 'Chic' thing, FP got a call from Shankshaw prison, War Baby had news.

And after Calista heard the news... her body shut down completely.

Calista and her brother and the Serpents were having a private meeting at their room at the school.

She was sitting with her head in her hands, she was so stressed out and the panic attack was close by.

Ace noticed his girlfriend's behavior, but before he could asked her what was wrong and why she was looking so pale, Jughead interrupted him.

"War Baby called us from Shankshaw prison. Our old adversaries, the Ghoulies, have been released." Jughead informed them, his eyes then moved over to his twin sister, who looked like she was going to pass out soon.

"Word on the street is they want Serpent blood. They're gunning for a rematch, they want war...." He trailed off, before his eyes met with Ace.

"What Jones?" Ace asked him.

Jughead looked at his sister, who looked at him and nodded her head, Jughead looked back at Ace.

"Malachai wants Calista."

At that sentence Ace's eyes became darker and his fist clenched tightly.

Sweet Pea, Fangs and Toni shared scared looks between each other, before they looked back at Jughead.

"War Baby told us that... he would stop at nothing to get his big prize from the race... Calista."

And that did it for Ace, he hit the desk hard, which made Calista flinched a bit before Ace turned to Jughead.

"Over my dead body that animal is getting anywhere near her!" He growled angrily.

Before Jughead could say anything Reggie stormed in with the bulldogs behind him.

"Which one of you reptiles was screwing Midge Klump?" Reggie growled as he looked around.

Calista stood up and walked over to her brother.

"What the hell is going on?" She questioned "This is a private meeting!"

Reggie's eyes darted over to Sweet Pea and he extended his arm out, pointing an accusing finger at him "I'm guessing it was you, Sweet Pea!"

Sweet Pea stood up and walked over to stand beside Jughead.

He placed hand on Jughead's shoulder, pulling him back so he could stand in front of Reggie, face to face.

Reggie glared at him as Sweet Pea seemed unamused.

"Reggie. Hey, that's enough!" Archie told him sternly as he pulled his friend back.

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