Chapter 10: The Wrestler

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Everything seemed to be going back to normal as the school integrated together with both sides of the track

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Everything seemed to be going back to normal as the school integrated together with both sides of the track.

There were still grudges between them, but Southside students had been allowed out of their uniforms.

Not only were school regulations letting the Southsiders in, so were friend groups, including Calista and Jughead's, allowing them to be together again.

But also where ever Calista was, Ace was.

He wanted to keep an eye on her the whole time and she found his protectiveness sweet, but Jughead was getting annoyed at his friend.

"Well, he is very fetching for someone who was living on Skid Row." Veronica said as they looked at the picture of Chic on Betty's phone.

"Yeah, he's a hottie who looks incredibly familiar to me, by the way." Kevin said, taking the phone.

"Your adventures in the woods?" Jughead proposed.

"I don't know, but maybe if we were allowed to meet this hottie in person..." Kevin trailed off slightly.

"Chic is still acclimating" Betty shot him down "And I'm trying to get him to trust me, but my mom is treating him like he's a ten year old and my dad's acting like he's the devil's spawn." She explained to them getting her phone back.

"He looks creepy." Calista commented, from next to Ace, who chuckled.

Betty looked at her feeling offended "Okay ouch."

"Betty I love you. But he is creepy, I'd watch my back if i were you." Calista warned her.

"I'd listen to her if I were you Cooper, she knows what's she is talking about." Ace told her.

"Well, I have an amazing idea. Bring the Omen to Pickens Day and we can all meet him." Veronica suggested "Everyone's coming, right?"

"No, because the Serpents weren't invited." Jughead said in annoyance.

"The Serpents were specifically asked to come." Veronica told him.

"Yes, but we were asked to provide security, we're not bodyguards Lodge." Ace told her annoyed.

"It's like we're all on the Snowpiercer train, but the Serpents happen to be the ones eating the cockroaches." Calista said, just as annoyed.

"You don't have to work it if you don't want to." Veronica told them.

Toni walked into the lounge and Jughead saw her and stood up.

"The damage, as they say, has already been done." Jughead sighed "Talk to you guys later."

Betty noticed Toni standing at the door "Plans with Toni?"

"Yeah. I'm interviewing her grandfather for my oral history report." Jughead told her.

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