53 Role Model

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You had just finished meeting with a manager from Kyoto, giving them instructions for Kai's house along with a key. A Tokyo manager drove you back to the school, while your head rested against the window.

It was strange. It didn't feel like you were referring to a dead man. Even though his blood had covered your hands. It just...didn't feel like he nor the old man were gone. When you thought of them, you didn't think of them as dead. You guessed the apparitions didn't help the grieving process. But, were you grieving? You hadn't even cried again after initially finding them. You hadn't thought much of them. Because they weren't dead.

Although directionally challenged, you slowly realized this certainly wasn't the way to the school. "Where are we going?"

"I...thought you knew?" The girl questioned. "The Zenin clan has requested your presence."

Zenin...like Toji Zenin?

"I was never told anything about that."

"Oh, would you like me to turn back?"

They're one of the big families, like Gojo...what would they want with me?

Despite feeling it wasn't a good idea, you shook your head. "Its fine."

You rolled your eyes as the vehicle stopped in front of a vast area, many buildings connected but separate. "Spoiled brats." With a sigh you stepped from the car, peeking your head back in. "Wait here. I doubt it'll be long."

"Yes ma'am."

"And don't call me that." Your nose wrinkled, shutting the door. The gates had been opened, a small woman bowed before simply turning around. Following after her, you were led to the middle building and into a room with a average square table and two emerald green seat cushions.

"Master Naoya will be with you shortly." She bowed again before leaving. With a bit of confusion and curiosity, you kneeled on the pillow. The outside door was slid open, revealing the balcony and allowing a slight breeze into the room.

Should I sit straight?

You did so before realizing how uncomfortable it was.

Eh, nevermind. Not like I care to be polite.

Apparently this Naoya didn't either, because you sat there for twenty minutes. Finally you sensed cursed energy approaching, and soon steps followed. A male you could only guess was around your age with dirty blonde hair and black ends strolled in. He sat opposite you, smirk adorning his lips.

He, his jujutsu, feels like a parading peacock.

"How obedient of you to wait."

...what did he just say?

"Excuse me?"

"I'm Naoya Zenin, next to be the head of the Zenin clan." He ignored you. "I've brought you here today for a proposal."

Crossing your arms, you leaned back on your heels. "And that is?"

"I've heard of your technique, and I think it could be quite useful to me. You've had a falling out with Gojo have you not?"

"Not your business."

His eyes flickered with amusement, "Such a big ordeal is everyones business. That Suguru Geto too, what a character. I'd bet his betrayal left you heartbroken."

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