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Today, a couple days after your reconciliation, you were supposed to meet Gojo at a cafe for lunch.

Twelve o'clock rolled around, and Gojo sat alone in the cafe.

12:10, and he ordered a sweet drink.

12:30, and he munched some macaroons.

1:30, he finished his drink.

2:00, he realized you really weren't coming.

2:30, he wondered if you had the same number.

3:00, he sighed and payed for his bill.

3:05, he wondered if you were nearby before realizing your cursed energy had residuals all over the city and you must frequent this area.

3:10, his steps paused and he looked around.

3:11, you appeared in front of him.

His lips formed into a pout. "You stood me up! I'll have you know I've never been stood up for a date!"

"Liar, you don't get any dates." You crossed your arms.

"I do too!"

"Even if you did, they must be crazy, so it wouldn't be impressive."

"Who are you to talk? You're the crazy bitch."

Your eyes narrowed, "You're the ugly dickhead."

"Hey now, I insulted your personality not your looks." His pout turned to an amused smile, "Are you testing me?"

"Would you be mad?"

"I've passed every test I've ever took." He bragged.

"Taken. I've passed every test I've ever taken. You must have not done a grammar test."

With a smirk he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you along, "Says the one who cheated her way through school. Anyways! Did I pass?"

"Three hours is a long time." You admitted.

"And I waited very patiently!" His chest puffed out.

"But you could have waited till close." His expression dropped, looking at you with a open mouth. You smirked, "Im joking. You passed."

"Whew, I thought you were serious." He sighed in relief. "So what now?"

"I dunno." You shrugged.

"You don't have more planned?"

"I'm deciding as I go."

"How unprepared." He laughed. "First up, I'll get you a smoothie."

You walked in silence for awhile until he spoke again. "You know, I really thought you might beat me when we fought." He chuckled. "I wonder what would have happened if Yaga didn't show."

"Okay first, I don't feel bad about the hand, and second we probably wouldn't be here if that had gone on so be grateful."

"You think?"

Haze of Bliss  • jjk x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora