35 Teke Teke

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The next day you spent observing the stations, sat criss cross on a bench while hundreds of people came and went. The cursed energy around the stations had increased simultaneously, still not giving any indication of where the next attack would be.

Feels like I'm playing wack-a-mole

The next day was spent the same with the same results. Just before sunset, you met with Vivian at the third station. "You have my number, so be ready to call if it shows up. Act quickly."

"Of course." She nodded. "I wish you luck."

You hummed, beckoning for Theo to catch up with you. "I'll help the best I can!" He bowed.

You were on high alert, head on a swivel and feeling for any foreign cursed energy. Sunset turned into night, and soon it was 11pm. The station had slowed down to only a few people strolling around.

Your phone ringing made you jump. "There was a sudden change in cursed energy and a train is about to arrive. I think it may happen here." Theo spoke.

"On my way, be careful." You were unsure of the siblings abilities, and so you wasted no time in running to the second station. Just in time for the trains door to open and a strong cursed energy to fill the area.

A single passenger set foot outside, and the curse made her move. But you were faster, sticking the knife through her skull, she shrieked.

Your nose wrinkled at the sight. The curse held the appearance of a pale girl, below her torso missing, her spine visible. She had used her hands to crawl around impossibly fast. You brought your fist down, breaking through her chest, and she was exorcised.

"Hey, are you okay? Why did you run over like that?" The boy asked.

Your body hid the knifes from view, or else he would surely be freaking out. "I'm okay, just doing some quick maintenance. Move along." You waved.

"Oh, okay." He nodded.

That was a special grade? No way. It may have been fast, but...

Theo ran over, shock written over his face. "That was amazing! You are no less than a special grade, I didn't even see the curse, and you suddenly appeared in front of it!"

"Really?" You scratched your brow, hiding the knifes under your uniform. "I was really expecting that to be more challenging."

Have I improved so much? Am I really that strong now? Even without my technique? Miska must have picked the weakest of special grades.

"Oh, we must call my sister!"

"Lets just go meet up. We're done here and I want to be sure it isn't lingering in the other stations."

Vivian sighed once hearing Theo explain your win. "I wish I was there to see it! But even so, congratulations on becoming special grade, my sweet. We must celebrate tomorrow, but for now you should get some rest."

You called Geto as soon as you arrived in the hotel room.  "Guess what?"

"What?" He hummed.

"I exorcised it."

There was silence for a moment, Getos jaw dropping, "Seriously? That was fast."

"Hm! It wasn't even a fight! But, if it had been a strategy game I probably wouldn't be saying the same. The curse followed a strict routine, and it was fast but didn't act with strategy, so it was easy." You explained with a grin. "So that means I get to come back now, right?"

"Not necessarily."


"If Miska lent you for a three month mission, they'll likely find work for you in that time."

"Seriously?" You whined, falling back on the bed. "I thought if I did it fast I would get to come back..."

"No matter what, it will help you grow as a sorcerer." Geto comforted. You could only grow to a certain point by his side, you needed to learn on your own. Just like Gojo. "Either way, I'm proud of you. Good job."

"Thanks." You smiled slightly.  "Oh guess what? Vivian, Anaise, and Theo are in this place too. They're going to celebrate with me tomorrow."

"What a coincidence. I'm glad there are people you're familiar with."

"Hm, me to."

"Get some rest okay? I'll talk to you later."

"Mkay, love you."

Geto paused for a moment, "Love you. Goodnight."

"Don't let the bedbugs bite~"

Celebrating with Vivian mostly consisted of eating luxourious foods and sipping sake. Theo about had a heart attack when you let Anaise try the sake.

Geto was right though, they, whoever they is, would be getting use out of you for the full three months. The manager had, very regretfully, interrupted to tell you it was time to move onto the next curse.

Now two months in, you were over it.

You slammed the car door shut, the manager flinching, and strolled into the elementary school. The curse, a lowly grade four, walked back and forth on a blue tape line warbling incoherently. Hands in your pockets, posture slouched, the curse began twisting until it was tore apart. Exorcised with nothing more than your cursed energy from afar. Your head lulled to the side, "Wonder how that would work on a higher grade?"

Alas, you didn't get the chance to try. Although there seemed to be an endless supply of curses, they weren't any higher than semi-grade two, and even those were rare.

You let out a breath, leaning your head against the car window.

I miss everyone. What's the point of doing this if I have to do it alone? I stayed here because I wanted to be with them. Geto told me its makes it more enjoyable when we do missions together, he's definitely right.

I wonder if Gojo decided he likes to do things alone.

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