16 Tunnel Mission

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You'd never felt this driven before, but with Geto and Gojo as competition, you'd pushed yourself the past week.  Miska was happy to push you even when you felt ready to drop, and even happier with your improvement.  As she said all week, "Isn't it amazing what you're capable of when you actually try?"
Anytime Gojo or Geto had found you training they always offered to help, greatly furthering your improvement.
You'd actually felt good this past week.  The fear of being bad at it even after really trying was dwindling away, a pride of being good replacing it. Although you weren't allowed to use your technique, enforcing your body with cursed energy was becoming second nature, and you became overall more dynamic, fast, and strong in movements.  The one problem Miska chided you on was your hesitation.  It was almost like your body glitched as you tried to quickly make a decision or set up the next move, usually resulting in you having to go on the defense.

Today, Miska and Yaga had summoned you three.  "It should be a relatively easy mission."  Yaga started, "The manager will explain in detail."

"Y/n, I want you to actively participate this time.  Use what you've learned, but no technique."  Miska added.  "We're giving you the weekend to complete this."

"Theres more information on the papers."  The manager nodded toward the small stack on the center council.  "Basically, three females have died in the tunnel.  All vehicles estimated to have rolled three times, which obviously does not make sense given the straight path.  None of them had any outside injuries, and the causes of death were suffocation."

Geto had grabbed the packet, flicking through with a hum.  "One had a survivor?"

"The other two were alone, but the third girl was a passenger. A male was driving."

"Then we don't need to drive to activate it.  We'll try walking through first."  Geto decided.

"All different ages too."  Gojo spoke, "Their profiles say they have almost nothing in common.  That's different.  That driver is alive?"

"Yes, he came out completely unscathed.  Outside and in."

"Something specific to their persons then...this'll be a fun one!" 

You did not mind tunnels.  Short ones.  This one was so long you couldn't see the light at the other end. 

The car was parked across the entrance, blocking anyone else from entering.  However being run over was the least of your fear.  You couldn't place exactly where the fear came from, however the sight of the errie darkness made your heart thrum. 

"Ready?" Geto questioned, handing you a flashlight. 

"I guess."  You muttered unhappily.  "Are these missions always in settings like this?"

"Scared?~" Gojo teased.

"No, they're just creepy."

"Creepy cause your scared~"

You glared, strutting to the entrance, waiting for them to catch up.

"Careful Satoru, that was a pretty nasty look."  Geto smirked. Gojo laughed, lightly shoving his shoulder. 

Three pairs of lights illiminated parts of the dark abyss.  Yours stayed glued in front while the other two wandered. The patters of steps echoed loudly, that being the only sound besides your breaths.  You made sure to stay by at least one of the two. 

"We're halfway, they all happened here."  Gojo announced, light running over the walls. 

"Maybe we do have to be in a vehicle to activate it?"  Geto theorized, "Though it could also be something really specific, considering the differences in the victims.  I say we question the guy.  We have to make sure he wasn't cursed anyways."

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