2 Bound

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Songs: UH OH!- Sub Urban
             Kaikai Kitan- Eve

You woke up abruptly, body jolting forward only to be held back. "The fuck...?" Glancing over your shoulder you found your wrists bound together behind the chair with thick rope. Your eyes widened, realizing the same had been done to your ankles and midsection, pulling at them desperately. Eyes became glossy as your breathing became erratic.

It hurt. Everything. Not just rubbing your wrists raw, but your body was sore, head pounding, mind fuzzy. Not to mention the nauseous, sick feeling coming back.

You didn't stop your pulling and struggling, but looked around the room. The current arrangement was nothing you had ever seen before. The room walls were filled with some weird papers with writing, along with some hanging down. You sat in a single wooden chair in the middle of it all.

Uneasy thoughts filled your head. 

Is this a cult or something? Am I a sacrifice? This looks like something a sacrifice would be in

A lone set of steps clicked toward you. "You're giving yourself a burn." The same woman from before crouched in front of you. To her, you looked like a cornered animal. Your tense muscles ready to defend or run. "I'll tell you I mean no harm, but I don't know how much comfort that really gives." She smiled. "Of course you're really confused, so let me explain where you are first."

You listened closely to her words, but realistically they didn't do much for you. In fact, it seemed like an extravagant mythical lie.

"Now I'll explain how all of that relates to you. You were unknowingly letting your cursed energy flow out, just as people normally do. Except, you were imbuing your technique in it. From what we have gathered, your technique has a drug like affect on humans, they became more negative after it's stopped which caused more curses to form. Because you were covering such a large area, it's poentcy should have lowered, but the amount of time it was around made up for that, we think anyways. It's all theory for now, until we can figure out what exactly your technique is. It isn't anything I have seen before."

I don't think I understand a word that came from your mouth

"What am I doing here then?" You questioned cautiously.

"Right, I should be getting you to your trial." She said, checking her watch, undoing the bounds around your ankles and midsection, leaving your wrists.


After walking up a stone path you were brought into a room with dim lighting. There were multiple screens up, the shadows of figures behind them.

"You are L/n Y/n?" An old sounding voice questioned sternly.


Another male voice began listing, "Two deaths are speculated to be the result of your technique, along with eleven injuries and a large magnitude of curses."

Two deaths?

"We must now decide your punishment."

Your heart beat sped, eyes flickering rapidly around the room. The woman stood behind you, her voice echoing slightly, "I believe she should be admitted to our school, to prevent such a thing from happening again."

"Who is to say it wasn't on purpose?! Her jujutsu was very controlled within a certain space, comparable to a domain. That could be very dangerous should she turn against us!"

"Agreed, she could be a curse user for all we know. Just look at her ancestry."

"I also agree. Should she not be lying about being able to control her jujutsu, to have such a powerful technique without any prior knowledge is much to dangerous."

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