46 Not Enough

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The next morning you woke first, Kai sleeping peacefully beside you. Slowly getting up, you realized he had tried to clean you up without touching anywhere intimate. "What a nice boy." You mumbled, sulking off to the shower.

Before leaving you found a pad of paper, quickly writing,
Went out to get some food and fresh clothes, spend some time with your friends and let me know where you are before you leave, I'll hang out.
Hope you enjoyed your present;) cuz my thighs are sore.

You didn't have an appetite, but there was no point in taking the pill if you threw it right back up. Grabbing a drink and a small snack, you made your way to a rooftop.

Your felt numb watching people flock about.

—that night—

Song: Sacrifice- The Weekend

The constant flashing lights were beginning to make you feel nauseous, your spinning head causing your vision to go in and out of focus. 
An arm caught you before you could tumble to the ground. "Yo Y/n! How much did you drink?!"  Kai wrapped your arm around his neck, holding you up. Your head slowly moved, his face being a blur. You didn't feel him lift your arm over his shoulder, dragging your unresponsive body outside into the cool night. 

You didn't have the strength nor control to force your vocal cords to make a peep. Though even if you could, it wasn't as if you were actually processing anything he was saying.  Kai clumsily sat you on the bench outside, digging for your phone in your bag.  "Shit, I have no idea where you live...I would take you with me if I wasn't leaving tonight. " He apologized, finally finding the device and going to your messages.

    you alright?  Its pretty late I      didn't see you come back

    Y/n i know you have your phone.  At least let us know you're alright.

    Shoko said you haven't come back are u okay?

Kai sighed. You didn't seem the type to ghost people, ones you liked anyways. But he didn't have much choice but to make sure these people could get you home safe. Or in the least give him an address.

You were hardly awake, the voices around you sounding like they were under water. Two tall figures stood in front of you. The dark haired one with an expression of annoyance and the white haired one with disgust. A shorter figure stood near them, flicking her cigarette ashes on your shoes. To your side were two more, one tall and blond and the other shorter and dark haired. Their eyes looked toward you in distrust. All of their mouths were moving, but you couldn't hear a word of the venom that dripped from their lips. 

"She's really out of it. She didn't even notice I was moving her and her eyes aren't focusing. She hasn't said anything either. I'm a little worried...I've never taken care of someone so drunk."  Kai laughed, but his nervousness obviously bled into it. "Hm. Okay. Thank you." He pulled your phone away from his ear, concern washing across his features as blood began to drip down your nose. 

Thankfully, it was mere minutes before a car raced down the road, two women jumping out. Miska quickly thanked your helper of the night, placing you in the backseat with Shoko who gave your healing process a little nudge. None of which you'd remember, as your heavy lids had fallen before they arrived. 

"I never thought she would spiral so much over Geto." Shoko murmured.

Miska matched her look, mixed with guilt. "Its a lot harder to deal with when he's up for execution." The car was quiet for a moment before Miska voiced her insecurities. "I wish I had never brought her here. The one time she lets people in and it goes to shit in the worst way possible."

Haze of Bliss  • jjk x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang