50 Ink Blood

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Night of the fight

You couldn't stand to stay in the school, so you went to the only other haven possible.

"Heya girly! Come on in!" The old man greeted you cheerily, beer bottle in his hand. Kai was in the kitchen, apron and all, cooking dinner. He looked over his shoulder in surprise, fumbling with the spatula until it ended up on the floor.

You smiled slightly. "Hey old man. Mind if I stick around?"

" 'course not, we'd love to have ya!" He patted your shoulder, leading you to the couch. "Get comfy, I'll get'cha a beer."

You took it with a small hum of appreciation. "You guys are packing up?"

"Yep! Kai found a real fancy place in Kyoto he's movin to." The old man said proudly.

"And you're going too." Kai sighed. "He's been fighting me about leaving this place."

"Now now, I don't mind my bein here, you're more of a city boy at heart. And do you really want an old man hanging around ya? I'll cramp your style!"

"What are you talking about? I don't have a style."

Your smile widened, a feeling of comfort washing over. "Cmon now old man, you think Kai can handle the big city alone? What if he gets hassled by shopkeepers?" The old man laughed while Kai rolled his eyes.

"Well that's why he's got you!" He patted your back. You chuckled, sending Kai a wink. He huffed in embarrassment, turning around.

"You seemed down girly, somethin wrong?"

I ended up fucking one of my best friends to make him feel better, only for him to become a cult leader and kill hundreds.
I told my mom off (don't feel bad about that one though), and Miska left.
I fought with Gojo.
I'm hallucinating so much I don't know what's real and what's fake.
I switch into these weird moods of panic or anger.
I may be loosing my mind with no way back.
I'm worried I did nothing to help Kai with his crush. Even if I did like him that way, which I'm unsure of, I can't drag him around for my emotional rollercoaster.

You gazed down at the beer in your hands, watching a bead of water drip down. "There's just a lot going on right now. I think I might be going crazy."

"Nah, you'll figure it out, ya always do. You're a strong girl!"

You had to stop from smiling bitterly, that word leaving a bad taste in your mouth. "Yeah. Thanks, old man."

"Dinner is done." Kai announced, setting a plate in front of you and the old man.

You looked up in surprise, "You would make a good househusband Kai."

The old man bellowed with laughter.

You sat in the tattoo chair, flipping through what Kai had drawn up for you.

"Would you wanna give me one?" He suddenly asked.

"A tattoo?"

"Just a little line or something?"

You rose a brow, "You really want me to put a needle in your skin?"

"A little one in a hidden place?"

Two minutes later you held the tattoo gun awkwardly, placing your foot on the pedal to get a feel for the vibration. "Woah, I can't believe your lines are so straight. Be prepared for this to be terrible."

"I'm sure it won't be that bad." He assured.

You held it more properly, beginning to practice on the banana in your lap while Kai prepped himself. "You sure you don't want me to tell you what I'm doing?"

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