Meeting 2

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It was before the arrival of foreign delegates in the Great Eastern Deserts, all the imperial palace seemed to have been embellished with riches as the servants ensured the arrangements of the royal martial relation.

The air was swirling with somewhat cool breeze but if one looked closely there seemed to be a cold desolate place in the imperial palace that looked somewhat barren and without any joy, it were the imperial chambers of the Sultan.

Resembling all days Zexzerus today too looked out of the chamber's windows hoping to see Princess Nevix taking a stroll in the gardens filled with exotic flowers, whenever she smiled it seemed like his lips would without any abandon follow her laugh and smile too. Although he only remembered fractions of memories every now and then while most of the past was wiped out, it was only in yesterday's dream he saw snippets of his past.

He saw himself arguing with a court full of old aged men that seemed to be crying in helplessness as he said that since his Nevix liked flowers then there must be a garden with a variety of blooming species in the imperial palace.

Now thinking about the dream it was absurd but definetly something he must have done. Growing any kind of vegetation in the deserts was a tedious task and if he was willing to do all that for only a smile from the princess......she must have been a very precious person.

There was a knock on the chamber doors to which he replied to enter thinking it must be an official. When nobody replied after entering the chambers for a long time the male turned around only to find an exquisite woman standing stubbornly without saying anything.

He forgot to breathe as he clutched his head as if he just recalled something...

Silence prevailed for a long time and as if annoyed by the person who refused to speak a word of confrontation, Nevix raised her eyes meeting the ones that were intensely observing her for a long time.

"Your majesty"

"This emperor would like to observe the flower of mine from a closer distance, requesting her highness princess to come here." Zexzerus words were polite and calm yet their implications were nevertheless profound. Nevix was guided closer and closer till she was right infront of him and then was ordered to sit on his muscular thigh.

"Your royal highness"

"This emperor would like to enquire if King Qiza, her highness' princess father is suffering from insanity? Sent such a little bud to this one, what does he wish for me to do with you.....shall I raise the little bud till she blooms into a flower?"

"Emperor husband! Zexzerus! What-What is happening?"

"Its Nothing"


"Princess of Daxtros- this Emperor said it is nothing."

Just that his fingers were somewhat trembling. When he turned his head away hiding his face from her Nevix had tears accumulating in her irises which she refused to let go and fall.

"Why is the princess here?"

"This one has come to return these back to their master." Zexzerus before his comatose sleep had brought so many jewelery for the princess that it could fill up the entire treasury of Eastern Deserts yet the most valuable of them was their birth rings that they have exchanged before their marriage as it signified their loyalty and devotion.

Today the princess came to return it back along with the imperial crown that she had. When Zexzerus turned around and saw them it was as if a thunderbolt has stricken his heart thus making him look at her incredulously.

"What is this? This-"

"This Princess will find a person who would have my birth ring willingly and not be forced in an alliance like the Sultan is.

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